Residence and Work permits
Icelandic citizens, other Nordic citizens and persons with citizenship in a EU country automatically have a residence and work permit in Denmark.
Other nationalities who wish to apply for a residence or work permit in Denmark must do the following:
1) Application for a work and/or residence permit is submitted online here.
2) When applying for a Danish residence or work permit, applicants must pay a mandatory fee online before arriving at the embassy. To pay the fee, please access here.
3) Once the application has been submitted and paid, the applicant must visit the embassy to have biometrics taken. You can book an appointment at the embassy here. The applicant must bring the following to the appointment:
- Receipt for the online application and for the online payment
- Passport which is valid at least 3 months beyond the time applied for
- Signed copy of your contract/application including all attached documents
In general, we refer to, where you also can find an instruction and information about how long time the case processing takes.
Islandske statsborgere, andre nordiske statsborgere og personer med statsborgerskab i et EU-land har automatisk opholds- og arbejdstilladelse i Danmark.
Andre nationaliteter, der ønsker at søge arbejds- eller opholdstilladelse i Danmark, skal gøre følgende:
1) Ansøgning om arbejds- og/eller opholdstilladelse indgives online her.
2) Før ansøger besøger ambassaden for at få taget sin biometri, skal et obligatorisk gebyr betales online i den samme ansøgning. Læs nærmere her.
3) Når ansøgningen er indgivet og betalt, skal ansøger besøge ambassaden for at få taget biometri. Du kan bestille en tid ved ambassaden her. Ansøger skal her medbringe:
- Kvittering for betaling
- Pas, som er gyldigt i mindst 3 måneder ud over den ansøgte tid, skal medbringes.
- Kopi af alle de vedhæftede dokumenter
Generelt henviser vi til, hvor der også er en vejledning og information om sagsbehandlingstiden.