Visa for the Faroe Islands and Greenland
Visa application guide
The Embassy of Denmark in Reykjavik issues tourist visas to Greenland and the Faroe Islands for passport holders with residence in Iceland that require a special visa.
Even though you have a valid visa to access Denmark or a Schengen country, you will need a separate visa when travelling to the Faroe Islands or Greenland since they are not members of the EU and not part of the Schengen Agreement.
If you are not resident in Iceland, you should apply for a visa to Greenland/Faroe Islands at a Danish Embassy in your country of residence. Please be advised to book an appointment in good time as the processing time varies. If you are a tourist traveling through Iceland, please note that the Danish Embassy in Iceland is not permitted to receive applications nor issue visas to Greenland or the Faroe Islands.
If Iceland is your country of residence and you want to visit Greenland and the Faroe Islands, please see the procedure below.
You will find information about the current processing time on the yellow banner on our front page.
Step 1:
Applicants who require a visa to the Faroe Islands or Greenland must fill in their visa application and pay the application fee online before arriving at the Embassy.
To fill in the visa application form, please access here.
Step 2:
Once you have applied and paid online, you make an appointment at the Embassy to hand in your documents and register your biometrics. You can book an appointment here.
Please remember to bring the following documents:
- Signed cover letter from the online application form.
- Your Icelandic residence card and your passport.
- Accommodation booking in the Faroe Islands or Greenland.
- Travel booking (plane/ship).
The Danish Mission recommends that you do not buy a plane/cruise ship ticket before your visa has been approved.
To get further information about visas or make an appointment call the embassy at +354 575 0300 or e-mail to [email protected].
Visum til Færøerne og Grønland
Danmarks Ambassade i Reykjavik udsteder turistvisum til Grønland og Færøerne for personer med fast ophold i Island, der har et pas, der kræver særligt visum.
Selvom du har visa til Danmark eller til et andet Schengen land, har du brug for et separat visa ved rejse til Færøerne eller Grønland, eftersom de ikke er medlem af EU og heller ikke medlem af Schengen-samarbejdet.
Hvis du ikke har fast ophold i Island, skal du søge om visum til Grønland/Færøerne på en dansk ambassade i dit hjemland. Venligst bestil tid i god tid, da behandlingstiden varierer. Hvis du er turist og rejser gennem Island, skal du være opmærksom på, at den danske ambassade i Island ikke har tilladelse til at modtage ansøgninger eller udstede visa til Grønland eller Færøerne.
Hvis du har fast ophold i Island, kan du søge på Danmarks Ambassade i Reykjavík.
Du finder information om behandlingstiden i den gule banner på hjemmesidens forside.
Find ansøgningsskemaet for visum her.
Når du har søgt og betalt online, skal du aftale tid hos ambassaden til at levere dine dokumenter og få taget biometri. Du kan bestille en tid her. Husk at medbringe følgende til ambassaden:
- Din ansøgning (cover letter) underskrevet.
- Dit islandske opholdstilladelseskort og dit pas.
- Oplysninger om dine rejseplaner (flybillet/overnatning).
Ambassaden anbefaler, at du ikke køber en flybillet/krydstogtbillet inden dit visum er blevet godkendt.
For yderligere oplysninger eller tidsbestilling kontakt ambassaden på tlf. +354 575 0300 eller e-mail [email protected].